Trademark / Brand Name |
Class(es) |
ECONOMIC TIMES on the web |
16 |
FAIR on |
5 |
FARLEYS follow-on milk |
29 |
FLOSIL-rely on us |
25 |
GAJLAXMI BRAND +god on lotu |
30 |
GATEWAY hotel on banjara |
30, 32 |
GATEWAY hotel on residency |
29, 30, 32, 33 |
GEMINI +boys on lotus |
34 |
9 |
GITAA granth on television |
41 |
GODIVA +man on horse |
7 |
GOLDSHIELD garlic on a day |
5 |
GOURI chhap +godess on cow |
34 |
GRAB on grips |
7 |
HOP health on phone |
16 |
JUGNU CHHAP +bird on globe |
1 |
K +panda on skateboard |
35 |
KANDOS on & on |
30 |
KANDOS on & on |
30 |
KAVERI SILKS +god on lotus |
24 |
KERBO TOTA +bird on twig |
7 |
KING +man on horse |
21 |
LAKSHMI +goddess on lotus |
31 |
LAXMI +godess on lotus |
30 |
LEE-on |
25 |
MAA DANTE'S heart on +flowe |
5 |
MACTRON life is on +arcs |
9 |
MAJLIS (roll on perfumes) |
3 |
MAK ESS on the net +oval |
9, 16 |
MERRI on |
42 |
MOTIMMO pearls on the move |
14 |
MUPHORIA high on math |
41, 42 |
N.C. +lady on globe |
34 |
NAGAR CHHAP +farmer on fiel |
34 |
NARAYANA MARKA +god on lotu |
19 |
NI NEWS india on punjab tv |
41 |
20 |
NQ course on nutrition |
45 |
PALACE GUARD +man on horse |
33 |
POLAROID on-the-spot |
9 |
PRABHAT +lady on lotus & su |
30 |
PRABHAT +man on horse cart |
2 |
RADIO m turn it on |
16 |
RAJKAMAL +lady on lotus |
3, 23 |
RAMSHANKAR +ring on finger |
34 |
RELIANCE sav-on |
42 |
REWA MAIL +vehicle on road |
34 |
RIDE-on |
1 |
ROCK MINGS on stage |
25 |
ROCKET +woman on rocket |
26 |
ROMAN +bird on twig |
3 |
ROYAL KNIGHT +man on horse |
33 |
ROYAL LANCER +man on horse |
33 |
SAMRAT +man on scooter |
12 |
SANABIL (roll on perfumes) |
3 |
SHAMULENE +god on globe |
24 |
SIE CO. +bird on globe |
13 |
SKY HAWK walking on sunshin |
18 |
SOOR sanity on our roads |
45 |
SPEED-on |
12 |
SPINZ perfume dab-on |
3 |
SRI JANARDHANA +god on lotu |
30 |
ST. GEORGE +man on horse |
18 |
STIC on |
16 |
SULEKHA +krishna on cow |
29 |
SUN LIGHT +candle on lotus |
4 |
TDK life on record +triangl |
9 |
TECO values you can rely on |
11 |
16 |
THUHOOR roll on perfumes |
3 |
TIGER BRAND +tigers on glob |
17 |
VIJAY LAXMI +godess on lotu |
11 |
VINOD rub-on |
5 |
VIR KANYA +lady on horse |
2 |
VIRABHADRA +man on horse |
24 |
W2O/weight on watch |
5 |
WINC on demand fashion |
25 |
WINGS on windows |
9 |
ZAMA OIL +godess on lotus |
5 |
ZHAT PHAT food on the move |
32, 33 |
ZODIAC SZ +flag on wheel |
24 |
always insist on PALCO |
11 |
banking on technology +glob |
42 |
best on HEALTH |
16 |
best on health WATCH OUT |
5 |
bird on swastik |
34 |
bird sitting on hand |
25 |
boy on skeys |
34 |
class on the web +man |
9 |
click on LINTAS |
9 |
clock on LINTAS |
9 |
cock on globe |
5, 31 |
cup on globe |
30 |
eagle on globe |
21 |
english on the go +arrows |
9, 16 |
god on cow |
29 |
god on lotus |
5, 34 |
godess on cock |
23 |
godess on lotus |
23, 34 |
godess on tiger |
34 |